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明生信息商务专科学校 日语科 |
关东 /
●提高日语能力,以通过日本语能力测试N1和考入名牌大学为目标。 ●采用小班制,通过细致周到的指导,响应学生的需求。 ●按照个人能力编排班级,优秀讲师们将根据每个人的进度有效地加以指导。 ●本校学生可以使用学生月票,享受交通费方面的优惠。 ●本校设有信息类专业课程,如果您想要进行信息类的学习、就业,可以优先升学。 另外,该课程还会提供大学编制和研究生院考试资格。 ●由专门团队为您提供日常生活方面的帮助,让您安心地度过学生生活。 |
ARC日本语学校 |
东京 /
距离饭田桥车站徒步10分钟,在山手线圈里到哪里都很方便。 有来自40多个国家的学生,班级设置多国籍化 设有就职支援室,可以提供打工和就职支援 在新宿、大阪、京都设有分校 arc academi涩谷校于2015年10月搬迁至饭田桥,最近的车站为饭田桥,春日及后乐园站。 |
ARC Academy Kyoto School |
近几 /
Good balanced ratio of nationalities. Strong in entering colleges in the area of the arts. Close to the station and convenient in transport. |
ARC Academy Osaka School |
近几 /
・ Close to Namba station which is convenient to travel to another city. ・ Multicultural environment ・ Support with part-time job search ・ JLPT preparation and “Support Class” (Individual study with teachers’ support) ・ Conversation club with local Japanese. (irregularly) |
ARC Academy Shinjuku School |
东京 /
Convenient location:within 7-min walk from Shinjuku station. International class environment:with students from over 40 countries. Employment support for part-time and full-time position. School branches in Shibuya, Osaka,and Kyoto. |
东京 /
The successor of a dressmaking school established in Aoyama, Tokyo in 1919, Bunka Fashion College gained recognition in 1923 as the very first fashion school in Japan. The number of alumni has surpassed 300,000 since that time, and the college has produced many designers who have succeeded in Japan and around the world. The history of Bunka Fashion College is synonymous with the history of Japanese fashion. |
BUNKA INSTITUTE OF LANGUAGE(Japanese Language School) |
东京 /
The curriculum of BIL's Japanese Language Course is centered on our own original textbooks, and classes are held according to students’ level of Japanese. The teachers who give the classes are full-time qualified Japanese language instructors, and they also offer non-academic lifestyle guidance and individual counseling. Student houses directly managed by BIL are available, so students can lead a comfortable life in Japan. Accredited by Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education. http://www.nisshinkyo.org/ |
中央大学 |
东京 /
“实地应用之素养” 中央大学于1885年(明治18),由18个年轻的法律专家建立的,建校当初被命名为“英吉利法律学校”。 当初建立学校的目的,是为了学习英法(英国美国和法国)的先进的法律知识并培养相关实用人才。当时学校学习英国法律的全部内容,著书详述相关内容,并建立了相应的文库。 提到创立者们的“建学精神”,他们比起抽象的体系性的东西来说更重视具体的实证性,认为对实际应用上出色的英国法律的理解和将其法律知识的普及才是让日本走向独立和近代化的关键。也因为此,注重“实地应用之素养”的教育,将英国的法律知识掌握,培养品性得到陶冶的法律专家,同时也将改良日本法律制度作为学校目标之一。 创立者们... |
Ehle Institute Japanese School |
近几 /
Ehle Institute is highly rated for its track record in getting students into public universities and graduate schools (including The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Osaka University), and getting students hired by Japanese companies. |
Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry |
东京 /
Founded in 1966. A vocational school specializing in items for adorning the body. Launched as the first accredited vocational school in Japan to focus on the jewelry field. Students specialize in “the items closest to our body that convey who we are”, studying a broad range of subjects from traditional techniques to innovative expression. Located in the fashion and cultural center of Shibuya, Harajuku and Aoyama, the college aims to develop the next generation of industry-leading creators and technicians. |
Hokkaido High-Technology College Japanese Language Department |
北海道 /
In Hokkaido, with its surrounding natural beauty, welcomes tourists from countries all over the world. Students enjoy learning about Japanese society and culture through a variety of extracurricular activities. They take classes which best suit their Japanese level when they begin their studies and their ultimate goal. |
法政大学 |
东京 /
法政大学建校以来,一直秉承着“自由与进步”这一精神,不要被既定概念阻碍了思想上的自由,把培养拥有发现新问题挑战新问题的自主型人才为教育理念。此外,我校从很早前就开始接收来自亚洲的留学生,也在致力于培养亚洲各国的开拓者。 本校计划到2023年为止花10年时间,把学校建设为“向世界开放的大学”“向市民开放的大学”以及“向多样的知识开放的大学”。我们将此作为国际化的基本理念,目标为“能为可持续发展的和平的地球社会的构建做出贡献”。 1.培养在世界任何地方都可以生活得国际化人才。 2.通过接收和派遣留学生实现校园的国际化。 3.教育・研究体制的高度化发展及国际化推进。 4.毕业生和... |
Hospitality & Tourism College ・ Tokyo Bridal College |
东京 /
Since its foundation 41 years ago, this college has produced many foreign graduates for the hotel, tourism, airline and bridal industries. Our students learn about working in the tourist industry in a very cheerful, enjoyable way. |
东京 /
Seminar studies are perfect for foreign students. Since 1979, we have made outstanding achievements in the National Bar Examination, Certified Public Accounting Examination, Tax Accountant Certification Examination, National Examination for Information Processing Technicians, and others. Our lessons are given in seminar form to small groups of 6 to 8 students. This study method is aimed at encouraging students to study independently and turning them into professionals with advanced business skills who can interact in a spirit of cooperation. For foreign students, this seminar system rapidly i... |
日本映画大学 |
关东 /
作为一个电影的研究据点,通过电影来进行活跃的文化交流及推进。通过学习电影这种世界通用语言来连接整个亚洲乃至整个世界。 |
Japan International Language Academy (JILA) |
九州冲绳 /
Fukuoka is the largest city in Kyushu area. Though the area is not as wide as Tokyo or Osaka, you can still access to everything here. The living cost is relatively cheaper than Tokyo. We proudly recommend Fukuoka city to live with delicious local food and friendly people. Fukuoka is representing city of Kyushu, but once you came to suburbs, you can see and enjoy the Japanese unique scenery such as Beppu or Yufuin hot spring in Oita city and Kuju National park in Kumamoto prefecture. We actively collaborate with universities and colleges all over in Japan. Courteous guidance and advice will ... |
东京 /
Seminar studies are perfect for foreign students. Since 1979, we have made outstanding achievements in the National Bar Examination, Certified Public Accounting Examination, Tax Accountant Certification Examination, National Examination for Information Processing Technicians, and others. Our lessons are given in seminar form to small groups of 6 to 8 students. This study method is aimed at encouraging students to study independently and turning them into professionals with advanced business skills who can interact in a spirit of cooperation. For foreign students, this seminar system rapidly i... |
JET ACADEMY Japanese language course |
东京 /
JET Academy was established in 1988 as an educational institution chartered by the Governor of Tokyo. Since its foundation, the main purpose of the school has been to supervise students who wish to enter universities in Japan. The effort has borne fruit---in plenty. As a recognition of its achievement, the Ministry of Education (now the Ministry of Education and Science) appointed the Academy as a ‘PreparatorySchool’, in 2000. Within a full-time curriculum, we offer the full-supportive career guidance to universities and graduate schools. |
关西大学 |
近几 /
关西大学提倡“学的实化”这一教育理念,并展开着教育及研究活动。所谓“学的实化”是指,大学部应该仅仅作为研究学问或追求真理的地方,更应该为了将社会建设的更好而主动提供其所需的解决方案,作为学界与产业界和政界的桥梁。也就是说“学习理论知识和实际情况的调和”这种思维方式。为了实现“学的实化”这一教育理念,我们提倡“关注社会,挑战变化。关大人先思而动”这一口号,在每类教育的侧面都渗透着培养拥有“考动力“(自我思考,自律且积极行动的力量)的人才。 |
Kansai University Japanese Language and Culture Program Preparatory Course (Bekka) |
近几 /
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近几 /
Kansai University of International Studies (KUIS) was established in 1998 with the aim of fostering "truly international individuals" able to assume and effective role in the 21 century. Kansai University of International Studies is a place of academic embracing humanity and intelligence with the goal of nurturing creative and active human resources who can oversee the world from the a global point of view. Kansai university of International Studies is underpinned by its three faculties, namely the Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Education, and Faculty of Health Sciences and ... |
关东 /
Currently there are about 60 international students from China, Vietnam, Nepal and Indonesia studying at our university. Whilst internationalization is expanding in various field, we, in Ota city, also promote to interact with pepople from overseas. Our international students actively engage with locals and contributed in various activities such as teaching language and cultures to the local elementary and junior high school students. |
庆应义塾大学 |
东京 /
继承了创立者福泽谕吉德理念与志向,人才辈出的庆应义塾大学,以做实际学问为精神基础,目标在教育,研究及医疗等环节能更上层楼。 关于学费请参考以下网页。 http://www.keio.ac.jp/ja/education/tuition/index.html(日文) |
神户大学 |
近几 /
神户大学在固有的充满开放和国际化的文化下,秉承着“真挚,自由,合作”的精神,为了促进人类社会的进步,培养能够创造普遍知识价值且充满人情味的指导性人才。 |
Kudan Institute of Japanese Language & Culture |
东京 /
(1) Multinational (students from around 45 countries are enrolled), (2) Home-stay programs available, (3) Conversational courses available (the new Manga Course is also popular), (4) Short-term classes from two weeks available (the minimum academic visa is six months), (5) Regular opportunities to interact with Japanese people |
京都外国语大学 |
近几 /
京都外国语大学的建校精神是“通过言语促进世界的和平”。本校的教育理念是“培养能够为了国际社会的和平做出贡献,能够带领下一代的具有综合魅力的领袖型人才”。本校所追求的综合魅力是指:“自知作为国际社会的一员,拥有良好教养且拥有生存所需的综合能力的人”。 |
京都大学 |
近几 /
京都大学的基本理念(拔萃) 京都大学继承并发展了自创立以来就拥有的自由的学风,挑战并解决多元化的课题,为了地球社会的和谐及共存做出贡献。可以说这个基本理念是以自由和和谐作为基础的。 ■教育 京都大学在多样和谐的教育体系下,促进学生养成以对话为基础的自学自习式的学习,在继承卓越知识的同时又培养学生拥有创造性精神这一涵养。 京都大学以培养高教养重人性的人才为己任,为了地球社会的和谐共存,培养优秀的研究者及拥有高度专业知识的人才。 (平成13年12月4日制定) |
明生信息商务专科学校 |
关东 /
现今社会信息技术被广泛应用于社会的各行各业。而且各种问题都可以由信息技术去解决或者辅助解决。很多新兴产业也是由信息产业的发展而产生。延续这种信息技术的发展不是别的正是每一个信息工作者。经过本校的学习,你也会成为信息化社会的中流砥柱。 |
名古屋大学 |
东海北陆 /
由创造性的研究活动进行真理的探求,产出世界首屈一指的知识性成果。注重培养学生自我学习及重视实践,培养具有理论思考力及想象力的充满勇气的学者。 |
名古屋大学(大学院) |
东海北陆 /
由创造性的研究活动进行真理的探求,产出世界首屈一指的知识性成果。注重培养学生自我学习及重视实践,培养具有理论思考力及想象力的充满勇气的学者。 |
大阪大学 |
近几 /
我们把看穿事物的本质,培养学生在这个世界中展翅飞翔所必需的“教养”“设计能力”“国际化”以及“高度的专业性”作为教育目标。 |
立教大学 |
东京 /
将一个人的知性,感性及身体取得最好的平衡而进行的人文博雅教育是我们的教育理念。我们的校风是自由且尊重每个人无限可能性的。 |
立命馆大学 |
近几 /
培养为全球・亚洲・交流做出贡献的多文化间协作连动的人才。 2016年是立命馆大学创始146年和学园建立116周年,她是一所拥有历史和传统的大学。在全球化急速发展的进程中,当今的社会需要能够在多元文化环境中协同工作,创造出新的价值的人才。「展望未来、引发新发展的创造性是身处多种多样的环境中、与不同的价值观接触而得以打磨」是立命馆大学的理念,来自日本和世界各地的约33,000名,有着丰富个性的学生汇聚于此。除了加深本专业的知识,亦推进不同学科领域横向交叉的教育研究。充分利用这一「多样性」的环境,以培养引领成熟社会日本和全世界各地区未来的全球领导者作为目标。 |
芝浦工业大学 |
东京 /
芝浦工业大学是以培养“能从社会学习并能贡献社会的技术人员”为建学精神,在1927年由有元史郎先生创办的。创办当时名为东京高等工商学校。在那之后,以培养“通过实践探求真理,拥有高素质和丰富见识,且具有独立自主探求并追寻极致”为己任,已经成功培育出多带杰出毕业生,为社会的发展做出了贡献。 现今,学校不仅仅在工学方面,在理学以及设计方面的教育研究也取得了进展,面向社会要求人才复合化以及专业化的实际需求进行着人才培养。今后在维持注重实践这一建学精神的基础上,一体推进教育,研究以及创新(社会经济价值的创造),面向社会的需求进行相应的改革。 想要来本校学习的考生,首先希望请先理解本校建学精神提出的“我... |
上智大学 |
东京 /
通过国际化的校园旨在培养可以睿智的将世界连在一起的人 |
东海大学 |
关东 /
东海大学1942年建校,1946年被正式认可为大学。本校的“文理融合”的教育理念是指不过分偏重知识教育而将广泛的信息纳入视野,培养具有柔性想象力的人才。 |
东京都市大学 |
东京 /
超越国界,切身考虑学生及教职员的情况,志在培养具有学习和行动能力的能为社会做出贡献的人才 |
Tokyo College of Cycle Design |
东京 /
First of its kind in Japan! An authorized vocational school just for studying about bicycles. Opened in 2012. Study in depth and breadth about bicycles, currently increasingly popular worldwide as environmentally friendly vehicles. The birth of Japan’s first bicycle vocational school has attracted a lot of attention from industry and the media, and we have received various support and cooperation with equipment, classes, etc. The small-class system emphasizes individuality and helps students to reach their full potential. |
Tokyo College of Sushi & Washoku |
东京 /
The first of its kind in Japan! A culinary college specializing in sushi and Japanese cuisine. Demand is expected to rise for Japanese cuisine, or washoku, since it was added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. Amid the intensified movement within Japan to protect this inherited culinary skill, industry-ready people are now required in restaurant kitchens. At our college, which will open in April 2016 (license application pending), we see great potential in the washoku market, and will cultivate professionals who understand “real sushi and washoku” for which there is such demand wo... |
东京 /
Tokyo Galaxy Japanese Language School is located within five-minute walk from Tokyo Metro Kayabacho station, in the central area of Tokyo, in Chuo-ku. The surrounding area has been developed as the business and financial center, while remaining the historical atmosphere of Edo era , as represented by Nihonbashi, a famous bridge as the starting point of Edo Five Routes and Tokyo Stock Exchange. This peaceful environment and our own solid eight stories seismic proofed building approved as an educational facility by city of Tokyo enable our students to focus on studying at ease. Established in... |
东京 /
Moved to Shibuya in March of 2014. A new Japanese school, in the fifth year since its founding. The AiiA Corporation--which deals with apparel, game software, and the like--is the backbpne of the school. Lectures that are directly connected with the business are popular. |
东京 /
Since our start as a school for training automotive mechanics in 1969, we have grown into a comprehensive institute with 4 campuses conveniently located in Tokyo offering 16 courses of study. In 2014, we received the "Practical Vocational Specialist Training Curriculum" certification from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We have also accepted international students since 1975 and have a long history of providing successful guidance and instruction. |
东京理科大学 |
东京 /
我们认为理学的普及是国运发展的基础。为了今后自然,人类与社会的协调发展我们需要创造更多的技术和发展更好的科技。 |
东京理科大学 大学院 |
东京 /
我们认为理学的普及是国运发展的基础。为了今后自然,人类与社会的协调发展我们需要创造更多的技术和发展更好的科技。 |
东京 /
Seminar studies are perfect for foreign students. Since 1979, we have made outstanding achievements in the National Bar Examination, Certified Public Accounting Examination, Tax Accountant Certification Examination, National Examination for Information Processing Technicians, and others. Our lessons are given in seminar form to small groups of 6 to 8 students. This study method is aimed at encouraging students to study independently and turning them into professionals with advanced business skills who can interact in a spirit of cooperation. For foreign students, this seminar system rapidly i... |
东京电机大学 |
东京 /
尊重实学 技术成人。 |
Unitas Japanese Language School |
关东 /
Ever since our establishment in 1970, we have been producing over 10,000 graduates. With students from over 15 countries, we offer students a unique opportunity to encounter various foreign cultures in a truly international environment. UNITAS, a part of the Teikyo University Group, offers students the Admission-on- Recommendation System for the Teikyo Group universities (Tokyo, Chiba, Yamanashi, Fukuoka) and other universities in Yamanashi prefecture. From February 2017, Kofu school moved to a new school building and the students can learn in a better environment. |
WASEDA University |
东京 /
Why Waseda? Waseda University, a top institution of higher education based in central Tokyo, has 50,000 students in 13 undergraduate and 21 postgraduate schools, so students can find others with similar interests and choose a wide variety of subjects. Waseda has been selected to the most elite group (Type A) of research universities for the Top Global University Project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the whole school is striving daily to provide world-leading education and research. Waseda is number one in Japan for study abroad, with over 5000 in... |
关东 /
"Our school has various events such as intercultural exchanges (tea ceremonies, street performers, Rakugo etc) and School Speech Contest etc. According to the learning purpose of the student, we provide an elective classes which are available for students above N2 level. We also provide graduate school prepatory class. |